Friday, 31 July 2020

The Journey Continues (Day #2 of the DFI)

The day started with refections from our last session then we had a look at the first component of the Manaiakalani pedagogy: Learn/Ako. It was interesting to note the relationship between the analogue world and the digital world - what we do as teachers to support students using digital technologies runs alongside the support we would give students without these technologies. When I think about all the skills I have developed over the years as a teacher to encourage students and scaffold their learning, I see how theses same skills can apply when students are learning to use and navigate on digital devices.

Much of the learning today was more focused on managing my domains effectively (gmail, calendar, tabs). It was good see some of the things I can do to pimp these, and how I would go about doing this. I'm inspired to use my calendar more for my class reminders (generally I only refer to it for schoolwide happenings) and get back into using Toby to manage my tabs. Using Google Keep to create checklists, reminders, notes etc

During this session I was able to add to my understanding and capabilities of Google Meet. As a school, we used Google Meet during the lockdown to connect with our students but I had basically only met with students. It was nice to upskill and learn how to create a meeting on my calendar (rather than linking it on my class site) invite others, and present my screen so the viewers can see a particular tab I want to share.  

Looking at a student's blog and reflecting upon it was a good activity. It has given me some clarity into what kinds of posts my students could be sharing - what information is good to include and what can be left out.

One helpful tip before using a video clip: share it and open it in a new window (both done by clicking on the three dots at the top right).


  1. Kia ora Paul. Sounds like another day packed with great learning. I love Google Keep, especially for audio notes when dashing between classrooms and schools. If you're keen to get your students increasing the quality of their blog posts check out the activities on the Ako Hiko Cybersmart site for this term (and some of last term's too).

  2. Thanks Phil...I'll be sure to check out the Cybersmart site for tips this term.

  3. Kia ora Paul,
    Love that you've learnt some new tricks to 'pimp' your Google Apps! What do you think would be the most useful tip for other teachers? Would it be the same for students?

    Looking forward to catching up on Friday.
    Ngā mihi nui


Revision (Day #9 of DFI)

For our final session of our DFI we looked at Ubiquitous Learning (learning at any time, anywhere and at any pace from anyone). This has bee...